Greetings! We hope that you are well and that things are humming along on your farm! As a past recipient of the Leonard-Mobley Small Farm Grant (L-MSFG), we would like to ask you a few follow-up questions to gage whether the grant helped improve your overall sustainability and increased your capacity in any way.
We would greatly appreciate it if you could take 10-15 minutes to set aside and complete this questionnaire. Your honest answers will be used to steer the coarse of future grant recipients as well as used for our annual reports. Of course, we would love to share any updates you care to share with the L-MSFG community as well as Dinner in the Meadow community, which makes this grant possible!
We hope that you have benefitted from the grant and look forward to you sharing your stories and feedback with the team.
Thank you and keep on growing!
Sincerest thanks!
Leonard-Mobley Small Farm Fund Grant & Dinner in the Meadow teams